Shall post for today & yesterday.
Yesterday woke up late. Lol! Was supposed to meet them at 11. I woke up at around 12+ or 1? Forgotten! -.- I've bad memory, yeah I know :D
Hmmmm, prepared and rushed down to school to meet them. Did a little bit of gym, and played basketball with Jasmine. :] Around 2, bused to tiong. We went our separate ways. Because they don't want to gain fats, they went to kopitiam to eat. Fiona, Rafidah & I ate KFC. Hehhhh, fatfatfats! :/ Sorry to pangseh you all , sorry. Took bus 195 with Fiona, she went home to get something, while I went down to purmei. :] Met Joey, Gary, Weekeat, Junlin, Singwai, Reynold, Siuweng & Keekuan. Kiap joined us afterwards, together with Jeremy.
Chinchai they all came down too, only played 1 game and they left. Played many full courts, Ran here & there. Amongst ourselves, we played 3 quarters. 4th full court was with Chinchai they all :] Went home at around 8plus, hehhhhhh, I think. Or was it 7plus? I don't know, forgotten.
Today, was late for school. Checked papers, there were improvements and lousy grades. Improved quite alot for Chemistry, Chinese. Slight improvements for Physics, History & English Pp2 :]
Lousy grades were my POA & EMaths! :/ I still don't know about my SS yet. o:
It was the most shocking for my Chinese results. It's the first time I'm passing my Chinese Pp2 in Sec 3. I think Sec 2 also never passed before? Forgotten :D
I hope I'd be able to go to S4E next year. I don't want to retain, neither do I want to drop NA :/
I hope I wouldn't. I hope my friends wouldn't either. Esp, you.
Went to tiong to eat at kopitiam with Buds. Walked around. Went back to school, Slacked like nobody's business from 3+ till 6. Wtf -.- Discussed about results, whether to drop Pure anot(E1 students). All these, then, slept, from 5+ till 6 :/ My knee injury is hurting like fcuk! shittttt! ):
At least it's better after icing it :] Thanks MrPeh for the icepack :} Walked to interchange with Buds & Mandy. Bused back to Purmei, with Jansen & Jared. Jansen & I went court. Did nothing much there, watched them play, couldn't play as knee was hurting like abcdefg -.-
I want my knee to be okay, shitass.
I hope I can go up to S4E next year.
I hope I can go up to S4E next year.
Tagreplys :'D
Eva: Yeah loh, hao jiu bu jian! :P
MandySoon/Yuting/Ruiqing/Foongsze: Relinked/Linked/Relinked/Relinked. :D
Benda: I'm alright. No worries :]
Priscilla: Siaopeh. :] Misses too.
Ruiyi/Bernard/Ingrid/Huiling/Clara/Joey/Lijoo/Crystal/Maple/Jacklyn: Hello Mei/Listener/Junior/Shutup/Clara/Babyyy/Lijoo/Dear/Daughter/Crazygirl [:
Ahvann: Of course I'd miss you! Yehhhh! Proper Meetup! Muackkkks! I Miss you Fcuk loads too! Hyper hyper with me yo! Hehhhh! Woainis! My com okay alr :D Is Daryl ask me call him de mahhhhhh! Lol! :/ Next time I call you keh! :D
Jiayu: Lol, nevermind lahhhh. I also forgotten also X: Luvs to Lovelove :}
Wenjun: Yeh, meetup soon! Yehh! Tomorrow, 5th Monthhh! Wuuuu! Pbt! :D
Gina: Yehhh, hope so too! How's your resulttts? :D I luv you very muchie too! :D
Huiying: Yehhh, i know you do! So do i! :D
Foongsze: Aiseyyy, English pro sey :D
Agnes: I don't know leyyy :/
Gawon: Npnp :] Takecare too!
Amy: Exams, still okay. I think. Results still okay? Or maybe, Buangggg! x:
Janice: YeeMeiFoong RetardedddddSiaopehhhh ♥
Wenxin: Nonono, Iloveyou more! :D
Meixuan: Yeh loh! I saw youuuu! Hehhhhhh :'D
Gary: Bhb lah you, stupid cutecute! -.-
Shermaine: :D:D:D Belated 1st Month!
Fcyx: Yehhh! I mean I'm a Britishhhhh! ♥
PriscillaP: Yehhh! I jsut talked to you yesterdayyy! hoyhoy :D
Eva: Yeah loh, hao jiu bu jian! :P
MandySoon/Yuting/Ruiqing/Foongsze: Relinked/Linked/Relinked/Relinked. :D
Benda: I'm alright. No worries :]
Priscilla: Siaopeh. :] Misses too.
Ruiyi/Bernard/Ingrid/Huiling/Clara/Joey/Lijoo/Crystal/Maple/Jacklyn: Hello Mei/Listener/Junior/Shutup/Clara/Babyyy/Lijoo/Dear/Daughter/Crazygirl [:
Ahvann: Of course I'd miss you! Yehhhh! Proper Meetup! Muackkkks! I Miss you Fcuk loads too! Hyper hyper with me yo! Hehhhh! Woainis! My com okay alr :D Is Daryl ask me call him de mahhhhhh! Lol! :/ Next time I call you keh! :D
Jiayu: Lol, nevermind lahhhh. I also forgotten also X: Luvs to Lovelove :}
Wenjun: Yeh, meetup soon! Yehh! Tomorrow, 5th Monthhh! Wuuuu! Pbt! :D
Gina: Yehhh, hope so too! How's your resulttts? :D I luv you very muchie too! :D
Huiying: Yehhh, i know you do! So do i! :D
Foongsze: Aiseyyy, English pro sey :D
Agnes: I don't know leyyy :/
Gawon: Npnp :] Takecare too!
Amy: Exams, still okay. I think. Results still okay? Or maybe, Buangggg! x:
Janice: YeeMeiFoong RetardedddddSiaopehhhh ♥
Wenxin: Nonono, Iloveyou more! :D
Meixuan: Yeh loh! I saw youuuu! Hehhhhhh :'D
Gary: Bhb lah you, stupid cutecute! -.-
Shermaine: :D:D:D Belated 1st Month!
Fcyx: Yehhh! I mean I'm a Britishhhhh! ♥
PriscillaP: Yehhh! I jsut talked to you yesterdayyy! hoyhoy :D
Finally, all tags replied :]
• Tonight will be the night that I'd fall for you again.
• Tonight will be the night that I'd fall for you again.
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