♥ Your Words Have Inspired Me (:
School-ed as usual today. Have to go for only Social Studies. Met ChristabelLee at School gate there. Then we walked in. I went to canteen to buy drink & food. Walked back to PAC, met Janice! Waited for Cheryl. Then we went in. Fiona then came, Social Studies was once again okay. Not too bad. I don't know why. I like Humanities :D Hahaha! After that, we were released. Accompanied them for recess. Janice, Fiona went for Additional Mathematics. Christabel, Alfred & I went to School's Library. We played Computer! Went online, talked to Joey, Weekeat & Junlin (:
After that, we headed to staff room outside, to look at the Sec 2s Subject Combination. Buddy got into e2, Retarded also! Hahaha! Terence Yong got into e1! Surprising. Jansen took Bio, O: Wenxin & Gina are in the same class, and they're in different class with Meiqin, Hahahah! :D Went to canteen. Ate burger, Miss Yu talked to us. Did my History homework, and went up to Band Room. Forgot to submit my History homework, Fcuk! O: Went to eat Chicken Rice opposite school with Christabel & Fiona. Janice stayed in Band Room to get her things done. After that, Jasmine, Agnes & Qiaoting came. They joined us. After all have finished, we went back to school. Jasmine, Agnes & Qiaoting have to go for the CPF Connects at Singapore Polytechnic. Henderson emerged as a 2nd Runner Up, against 8 other schools. Henderson also won as the "Best Cheer Team"! Good job Hendersonians! Hahah(: Went to Band Room to look for Janice. She ate Chicken Rice opposite school too. Then we took 132 to interchange, and bus-ed to Fiona's house. Watched Saw 5. Boring. Was eating Mah-Mee throughout. Went to watch High School Musical 3 in the end! Hahaha! Wuuu! (: Jianwen & Dominic came after that too! (: Went off with Christabel at around 6.30pm. Reached purmei at 6.45pm, went home to change to slippers & went back to court. There were many people! (: Left at around 7.45pm. When we're leaving, Chinchai that group shouted at behind us to Jeremy. Lol, I shocked dao x: Accompanied Joey & Tseyu wait for bus. Then I went home! :D
Happy Birthday Carmen, in advance(:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
♥Live Life To The Fullest (:
Went to school today. Went there at 9.45am. I didn't have A.Maths, therefore don't have to go to school so early. Cabbed there. Met Fcyx&Jymf at canteen! :D They went for their Geog. I went for my History lesson. Quite funny. Leslie luh! Retarded de (: Hahaha! After lesson, Angel & I headed to FSC room. To help out. And after that, helped Mdm Linda go to TiongBaruhPopular, to buy the Vanguard Sheets. Bought XXL Chicken & eat too!(: Saw Ahvann/Meixuan/Wenjun!(: Hehhh! I miss Vanvan Chua Rongrong so much can ): Bus-ed back to school. FSC room to put the things, then went home. Played computer, went down to basketball court around 4plus. Played till 9. Many people! :D Funny, too! (: Joey, Gary, Junlin, Jansen, Singwai, Yangguo, Kokeng, Hongkiap, Chongjing, KennethHuang, Kokonn, Mingduo, Chinchai, Jiankun, Kaijun, Laikiat, Khaikit, Yihan, Blaise, Ahben, Jiawei. I think that's all. I really cannot remember much alr, sorry if I missed you out x: Homed at 9.20pm. Accompanied Baby & KennethHuang wait for their bus, with Junlin. Junlin damnit retarded, still cannot forget the incident he got elbowed! Hahaha! Damnit funny! :P That's all. (: Red is the sex! :D
Went to school today. Went there at 9.45am. I didn't have A.Maths, therefore don't have to go to school so early. Cabbed there. Met Fcyx&Jymf at canteen! :D They went for their Geog. I went for my History lesson. Quite funny. Leslie luh! Retarded de (: Hahaha! After lesson, Angel & I headed to FSC room. To help out. And after that, helped Mdm Linda go to TiongBaruhPopular, to buy the Vanguard Sheets. Bought XXL Chicken & eat too!(: Saw Ahvann/Meixuan/Wenjun!(: Hehhh! I miss Vanvan Chua Rongrong so much can ): Bus-ed back to school. FSC room to put the things, then went home. Played computer, went down to basketball court around 4plus. Played till 9. Many people! :D Funny, too! (: Joey, Gary, Junlin, Jansen, Singwai, Yangguo, Kokeng, Hongkiap, Chongjing, KennethHuang, Kokonn, Mingduo, Chinchai, Jiankun, Kaijun, Laikiat, Khaikit, Yihan, Blaise, Ahben, Jiawei. I think that's all. I really cannot remember much alr, sorry if I missed you out x: Homed at 9.20pm. Accompanied Baby & KennethHuang wait for their bus, with Junlin. Junlin damnit retarded, still cannot forget the incident he got elbowed! Hahaha! Damnit funny! :P That's all. (: Red is the sex! :D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
♥Because Flirting Will Bring You No Where, Bitch.
School-ed as usual today. When I was in 132, Fcyx called, Jymf msg-ed. (: Met outside school. Because they both reached alr, and I'm reaching. We met near outside school, and walked in together. Avt was locked already. Miss Chin locked the door. Have to write 5 reasons why we were late. Mainly only 1 reason, then have to think of other 4, quite a challenge. LOL! After that, we got in. Learnt the new thing about metals. Rust all these. Wasn't feeling quite well. Flu was killing me like nobody's business! :/ I hate being sick. I hate being sick. Recessed. And went to PAC for SocialStudies. Fun! The Dhurkesh's method of defence, really made us laugh like hell. Bombombombombom! :D Building Sesame Street was my idea, because of Fun, Laughter, Peace & Joy! Ha! :P Stupid lah! O: After that, Bel had Physics. They had Amaths. Went with Angel, walked around. Went into FSC room and Disiaosiao :P Did our homework too. EMaths. Cheryl was there too (: After that, lessons ended. We went to tiong to eat. And walked around. For Jasmine's present, (: As on our way to Polar, we saw Miss Siti & Miss Quah (: They were going down too! Saw Mr Kek & Miss Joanna Tan (Mrs Kek) there too! Thanks Miss Siti & Miss Quah for the Ice Cream(s) :D Went over to Janice's auntie house later, and went home at 530pm. Met Reynold on the bus, coincidentally. Went to basketball court, saw Weekeat, Siuweng, Keekuan, Ben, Singwai & that Pri 6 kid -.- Stayed awhile, went home. Slept just now. Am still feeling tired, shitass ):
I love you Retarded♥
Luv you manymany! I know you luv me too!
School-ed as usual today. When I was in 132, Fcyx called, Jymf msg-ed. (: Met outside school. Because they both reached alr, and I'm reaching. We met near outside school, and walked in together. Avt was locked already. Miss Chin locked the door. Have to write 5 reasons why we were late. Mainly only 1 reason, then have to think of other 4, quite a challenge. LOL! After that, we got in. Learnt the new thing about metals. Rust all these. Wasn't feeling quite well. Flu was killing me like nobody's business! :/ I hate being sick. I hate being sick. Recessed. And went to PAC for SocialStudies. Fun! The Dhurkesh's method of defence, really made us laugh like hell. Bombombombombom! :D Building Sesame Street was my idea, because of Fun, Laughter, Peace & Joy! Ha! :P Stupid lah! O: After that, Bel had Physics. They had Amaths. Went with Angel, walked around. Went into FSC room and Disiaosiao :P Did our homework too. EMaths. Cheryl was there too (: After that, lessons ended. We went to tiong to eat. And walked around. For Jasmine's present, (: As on our way to Polar, we saw Miss Siti & Miss Quah (: They were going down too! Saw Mr Kek & Miss Joanna Tan (Mrs Kek) there too! Thanks Miss Siti & Miss Quah for the Ice Cream(s) :D Went over to Janice's auntie house later, and went home at 530pm. Met Reynold on the bus, coincidentally. Went to basketball court, saw Weekeat, Siuweng, Keekuan, Ben, Singwai & that Pri 6 kid -.- Stayed awhile, went home. Slept just now. Am still feeling tired, shitass ):
You're such a bitch. Always flirting with the boys. See alr, also bky. Seriously, here's a piece of advice. If you think Flirting will take you somewhere, I can tell you. You're wrong. Perfectly wrong. What's so good about having so many guys with you? Like that feeling? Go be a chicken at Geylang lah. Go Geylang, still got money leh.Perhaps you can try, transfering to a school near Geylang. Hahaha! Doing this to your friend, don't you even feel some guilt? You have had this feeling before, a few months before. You say, others flirting with you? What's your definition of "Flirt" first? Talk to you, also flirt. Small actions, make you laugh, also flirt. Msg you, also flirt. So I suppose that's your definition for "Flirt". I've moved one step higher, because of your definition of "Flirt". Eh Thanks ah!Happy 15th Month, (:
If you think it's you, so be it. Stop asking. Because it's irritating, get this straight, in your face.
I love you Retarded♥
Luv you manymany! I know you luv me too!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
♥Reflect on what you've done this year, and improve for the better, next year(:
Met Fcyx at STC Bus-stop today, 855-ed to Bm Mac. Ate & we went to school. Learnt a new word today: "Landyard" - I think it's spelt likethis. Mr Henry Wong talked to us, about our same "Landyard"! Hahaha! We were blurred at first too! Until he explained, we learnt the new word! Hehhhh! PAC for SocialStudies! Was okay. Mrs Yeo came in and talked to us too. People who got bad results, reflect & strive for the better! :D
I'm not gonna give up yet. It's still a few more months to go, O'levels start. I must start studying. I must revise my sec 3 work. My maths, dis-sa-tis-fac-to-ry. Physics, I don't even think I know what I'm learning for this year. Chemistry I'm still not very sure about it. But I'd improve it more, I guess. I hope all these, are not just "san fen zhong re du". I don't want to panic, and burn midnight oil everyday next year, to revise for O'levels. Start early, lesser problems next year :P Hope I'd have this mindset & motivation everyday. I have to cut down on my computer hours, like holy mama! I'm using the computer almost more than 5 hours a day (Provided that I'm not outside). :D Okay. After that was break & we headed to staff room outside to collect our report book (: Promoted to S4E! Seriously. Thanks the teachers! :D Physics at AVT. Mr Roland Tan took us for the lesson. Quite funny lahhh! Shooting rubbers towards the end of the lesson. Yanting shouted at us, because I kept aiming wrongly. Then, hit till her! Hahah! -.- Stupid retarded O: After that, they had AMaths, supposingly waiting for Jasmine. In the end, decided to go for a stroll at TiongBaruh, and find Retarded, since I'm walking around aimlessly in schl. Didn't meet Jasmine in the end. Met Joey & Hweeying. Walked around! Saw Daryl`SiBotak x: After that, we bus-ed to T-net to meet GaryTZW. There were many people! Hahaha! Kwokonn, Zan, Kevin, Chinchai, Kaijun, Jiankun, Benjamin, Junhao. I don't know still got any anot. Okay. Fun bodoh! MES played together (: Hehhh! :D After that, Chinchai they all went to Henderson there eat. Joey,Hweeying,Gary,Kwokonn&I went to Tiong to have our "Lunch". Ate LJS. Buds were there too! Hehhh! Retarded lah okay! After that, bus-ed to purmei! Had fun spamming people! Joey spammed Sms-es. Hweeying&I spammed calls. Damnit funny. Joey spammed Chinchai sms, he never really reply I think. Then, Joey spammed Kaijun. Kaijun spammed her back! Damnit funny! Hahaha! :P Lmao okay! (:
Purmei. Played bball. Fun bodoh! Okay lah, not say many people! Went home around 8.30pm. Normal things did. Bball, BubbleTeaShop. That stupid Pig, say I noisy! Nevermind loh! You bullehhhh! o: Bye people (: End here! :D
Met Fcyx at STC Bus-stop today, 855-ed to Bm Mac. Ate & we went to school. Learnt a new word today: "Landyard" - I think it's spelt likethis. Mr Henry Wong talked to us, about our same "Landyard"! Hahaha! We were blurred at first too! Until he explained, we learnt the new word! Hehhhh! PAC for SocialStudies! Was okay. Mrs Yeo came in and talked to us too. People who got bad results, reflect & strive for the better! :D
I'm not gonna give up yet. It's still a few more months to go, O'levels start. I must start studying. I must revise my sec 3 work. My maths, dis-sa-tis-fac-to-ry. Physics, I don't even think I know what I'm learning for this year. Chemistry I'm still not very sure about it. But I'd improve it more, I guess. I hope all these, are not just "san fen zhong re du". I don't want to panic, and burn midnight oil everyday next year, to revise for O'levels. Start early, lesser problems next year :P Hope I'd have this mindset & motivation everyday. I have to cut down on my computer hours, like holy mama! I'm using the computer almost more than 5 hours a day (Provided that I'm not outside). :D Okay. After that was break & we headed to staff room outside to collect our report book (: Promoted to S4E! Seriously. Thanks the teachers! :D Physics at AVT. Mr Roland Tan took us for the lesson. Quite funny lahhh! Shooting rubbers towards the end of the lesson. Yanting shouted at us, because I kept aiming wrongly. Then, hit till her! Hahah! -.- Stupid retarded O: After that, they had AMaths, supposingly waiting for Jasmine. In the end, decided to go for a stroll at TiongBaruh, and find Retarded, since I'm walking around aimlessly in schl. Didn't meet Jasmine in the end. Met Joey & Hweeying. Walked around! Saw Daryl`SiBotak x: After that, we bus-ed to T-net to meet GaryTZW. There were many people! Hahaha! Kwokonn, Zan, Kevin, Chinchai, Kaijun, Jiankun, Benjamin, Junhao. I don't know still got any anot. Okay. Fun bodoh! MES played together (: Hehhh! :D After that, Chinchai they all went to Henderson there eat. Joey,Hweeying,Gary,Kwokonn&I went to Tiong to have our "Lunch". Ate LJS. Buds were there too! Hehhh! Retarded lah okay! After that, bus-ed to purmei! Had fun spamming people! Joey spammed Sms-es. Hweeying&I spammed calls. Damnit funny. Joey spammed Chinchai sms, he never really reply I think. Then, Joey spammed Kaijun. Kaijun spammed her back! Damnit funny! Hahaha! :P Lmao okay! (:
Purmei. Played bball. Fun bodoh! Okay lah, not say many people! Went home around 8.30pm. Normal things did. Bball, BubbleTeaShop. That stupid Pig, say I noisy! Nevermind loh! You bullehhhh! o: Bye people (: End here! :D
TanWeekeat: You better Cheerup! & Stop thinking about all those kukubird stuffs! -.- Think somemore. I tomorrow peel your banana skin off (: Yeah, I know you're feeling honoureddd (:
Monday, October 27, 2008
changed blogskin.
changed blogskin, hehhh (:
met janice, dominic, jianwen & fionachia today at bm mac(:
wanted to do homework. but gave up. -.-
don't know why. i can't concentrate? o:
i also don't know how to do, so gave up in the end.
around 3plus i think, we took bus to orchard, and went to cineleisure.
Fiona wanted to see the keychain, quite ex. so she'd make it some other time.
walked around. then walked under the rain. to fareast. the rain wasn't big lah okay.
had some "conflicts" when deciding whether to walk or take bus. hahah, but it was funny and retarded lahh! we're like, outside heeren. and hoho! "screaming" here and there (:
didn't take any pictures today, hohoh ): we wore bestbuds tee & red shorts ):
fareast, saw the straps. walked around at basement. they were like, scaring people in their halloween costumes. instead, we disiaoed. and don't know whether it was dominic or fiona or jianwen. said, when we walked past. because they were walking behind. then, the people diao-ed us. hohoho! lol :P
janice bought her XXL Chicken. she asked the uncle to add a little more spice. and in the end, he added alot. it was spicy. but nice. (: saw the straps. cute, but it's very ex, 8.90$ you know. wtf :P hohoho, nvrm. also don't have my elmo&cookiemonster de (:
after that, around 6. we didn't know where to go. stood outside fareast entrance for quite a long time. and therefore decided to proceed to the bus-stop to sit down. after 30 minutes, we have finally decided to go to safra to slack. clive, john, nigel & andrew were there too. saw whitney, wenkai, jiahao they all too. wow, cool. huahuahua :D
i'm kinda high now, perhaps i shall reply tags tomorrow. i'm tired O:
ilovemybuds, ilovejoeychua, iloveahvann, ilovemeixuan, ilovelwj, ilovelwx, ilovegser[♥]
happy 16th month, vanvanchuarongrong(!)
i promise you a meet-up, with manymany people.(:
before you go overseas, sentosa, shall we? :D
iloveyou, manymany! (inserts infinity hearts!)
met janice, dominic, jianwen & fionachia today at bm mac(:
wanted to do homework. but gave up. -.-
don't know why. i can't concentrate? o:
i also don't know how to do, so gave up in the end.
around 3plus i think, we took bus to orchard, and went to cineleisure.
Fiona wanted to see the keychain, quite ex. so she'd make it some other time.
walked around. then walked under the rain. to fareast. the rain wasn't big lah okay.
had some "conflicts" when deciding whether to walk or take bus. hahah, but it was funny and retarded lahh! we're like, outside heeren. and hoho! "screaming" here and there (:
didn't take any pictures today, hohoh ): we wore bestbuds tee & red shorts ):
fareast, saw the straps. walked around at basement. they were like, scaring people in their halloween costumes. instead, we disiaoed. and don't know whether it was dominic or fiona or jianwen. said, when we walked past. because they were walking behind. then, the people diao-ed us. hohoho! lol :P
janice bought her XXL Chicken. she asked the uncle to add a little more spice. and in the end, he added alot. it was spicy. but nice. (: saw the straps. cute, but it's very ex, 8.90$ you know. wtf :P hohoho, nvrm. also don't have my elmo&cookiemonster de (:
after that, around 6. we didn't know where to go. stood outside fareast entrance for quite a long time. and therefore decided to proceed to the bus-stop to sit down. after 30 minutes, we have finally decided to go to safra to slack. clive, john, nigel & andrew were there too. saw whitney, wenkai, jiahao they all too. wow, cool. huahuahua :D
i'm kinda high now, perhaps i shall reply tags tomorrow. i'm tired O:
ilovemybuds, ilovejoeychua, iloveahvann, ilovemeixuan, ilovelwj, ilovelwx, ilovegser[♥]
happy 16th month, vanvanchuarongrong(!)
i promise you a meet-up, with manymany people.(:
before you go overseas, sentosa, shall we? :D
iloveyou, manymany! (inserts infinity hearts!)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Well, I've nothing much to post recently.
Perhaps I'd post tomorrow? Idk.
&, I hate being sick. Well, who likes it? :/
Takecare People :D
I love Buds♥
Fcyx have a very fat dog :P
Jymf is a retardedsiaopeh :P
1. Do you have secrets?
- Like duh, who doesn't? :]
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
- It depends, I think.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
- Yes. :D But sometimes, nope :/
4. What will you do with a billion dollars?
- Get all the stuffs I want, esp Elmo&CookieMonstie[♥]
5. Will you fall in love with you best friend?
- If he's a boy, maybe. But definitely not, if she's a girl (:
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved?
- Being loved by the one you love, :]
7. List out of your current 30 favourite songs.
- ai wo hao mah , by zhuo wen xuan.
- cong kai shi dao xian zai , by idk who.
- wang le ai , by idk who.
- shi luo fei zhu liu , by jay chou.
- zui chang de dian ying , by jay chou.
- perfect , by simple plan.
- straightjacket feeling , by all-american rejects.
- stranger , by secondhand serenade.
- wait for you , by elliot yamin.
- miss independent , by ne-yo.
- what hurts the most , by rascal flatts.
- your love is a lie , by simple plan.
- sorry , by buckcherry.
- here without you , by 3 doors down.
- breathless , by shayne ward.
- beautiful soul , by jesse macartney.
- say goodbye , by chris brown.
- qi shi hai ai ni , by idk who.
- wo de cuo , by b.a.d.
- yue ai yue nan guo , by wu ke qun.
- selfish , by n'sync.
- never had a dream come true , by s club 7.
- tonguetied , by faber drive.
p/s, there are many more :/
8. If the person you like secretly is attached, what will you do?
- Hope that he's happy, and, if I could, let go.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
- Being promoted to S4E :D
10. Do you have any regrets?
- I think so, sighs.
11. How would you yourself be, in 10 years time?
- I don't know, by then I'd be 25 years old! :/
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
- Family, Friends (:
13. What kind of a person do you think tagged you is?
- I grabbed this from Hweeying` she's cute, friendly! (:
14. Would you rather be single & rich, or married but poor?
- As long as I'm happy with the one I love, I'm fine with anything (:
15. What are your favourite colours?
- Red, Blue, Grey, Black, White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple, Pink (Many)
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- I gave all in, I don't know whether I'd have the courage to do so in future.
17. If you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who would you pick?
- I don't know.
18. Would you forgive & forget, no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done to you?
- I don't know, it depends. (:
19. Would you rather be single or in a relationship?
- I don't know, o:
20. Now tag.
- Fcyx, Jymf, MandyLew, Vanvan!, Wenjun, Wenxin, Gina :D
Well, I've nothing much to post recently.
Perhaps I'd post tomorrow? Idk.
&, I hate being sick. Well, who likes it? :/
Takecare People :D
I love Buds♥
Fcyx have a very fat dog :P
Jymf is a retardedsiaopeh :P
1. Do you have secrets?
- Like duh, who doesn't? :]
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
- It depends, I think.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
- Yes. :D But sometimes, nope :/
4. What will you do with a billion dollars?
- Get all the stuffs I want, esp Elmo&CookieMonstie[♥]
5. Will you fall in love with you best friend?
- If he's a boy, maybe. But definitely not, if she's a girl (:
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved?
- Being loved by the one you love, :]
7. List out of your current 30 favourite songs.
- ai wo hao mah , by zhuo wen xuan.
- cong kai shi dao xian zai , by idk who.
- wang le ai , by idk who.
- shi luo fei zhu liu , by jay chou.
- zui chang de dian ying , by jay chou.
- perfect , by simple plan.
- straightjacket feeling , by all-american rejects.
- stranger , by secondhand serenade.
- wait for you , by elliot yamin.
- miss independent , by ne-yo.
- what hurts the most , by rascal flatts.
- your love is a lie , by simple plan.
- sorry , by buckcherry.
- here without you , by 3 doors down.
- breathless , by shayne ward.
- beautiful soul , by jesse macartney.
- say goodbye , by chris brown.
- qi shi hai ai ni , by idk who.
- wo de cuo , by b.a.d.
- yue ai yue nan guo , by wu ke qun.
- selfish , by n'sync.
- never had a dream come true , by s club 7.
- tonguetied , by faber drive.
p/s, there are many more :/
8. If the person you like secretly is attached, what will you do?
- Hope that he's happy, and, if I could, let go.
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
- Being promoted to S4E :D
10. Do you have any regrets?
- I think so, sighs.
11. How would you yourself be, in 10 years time?
- I don't know, by then I'd be 25 years old! :/
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
- Family, Friends (:
13. What kind of a person do you think tagged you is?
- I grabbed this from Hweeying` she's cute, friendly! (:
14. Would you rather be single & rich, or married but poor?
- As long as I'm happy with the one I love, I'm fine with anything (:
15. What are your favourite colours?
- Red, Blue, Grey, Black, White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple, Pink (Many)
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- I gave all in, I don't know whether I'd have the courage to do so in future.
17. If you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who would you pick?
- I don't know.
18. Would you forgive & forget, no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done to you?
- I don't know, it depends. (:
19. Would you rather be single or in a relationship?
- I don't know, o:
20. Now tag.
- Fcyx, Jymf, MandyLew, Vanvan!, Wenjun, Wenxin, Gina :D
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The person who tagged me is:
- MandyLew :D
Your relationship with them:
- Retarded(s) , since 290707 ♥
Your 5 impression of them:
- Retarded, Zihigh, Friendly, Siao & Retarded! X:
The most memorable thing she/he have done for you:
- Quite many? Listening to my stupid things, Caring & Concerning [:
If they ever become your lover, you will:
- Impossible. I'm sure we're not lesbians :D
If he/she becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on:
- We're not lesbians ._.
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
- Won't de lah (:
What is it you want to tell them now:
- 4 more days! :]
Your overall impression of them now:
- Good , Great , Everything :P
How do you think people around you will feel about you:
- I don't know, o:
The characters of yourself you love are:
- Whenever I go crazy/zihigh/retarded, Smile :D
The most ideal person you want to be is:
- I'm myself. Nobody can change me (:
For people that cares and likes you, say something to them:
- Thanks for always being there, I love you all ♥
Pass this quiz to 10 person you wish to know how they feel about you:
1. Fcyx :]
2. Jymf :]
3. Cljz :]
4. Swl :]
5. Joeychua :]
6. VanessaChua :]
7. Meixuan :]
8. MandyLew :]
9. LimWenxin :]
10. Gina :]
p/s: i'd have included more if i could ):
Who's no.6 having relationship with?
{VanessaChua} Nobody(:
If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
{Meixuan & Gina} They're not lesbians :]
What is no. 2 studying about?
{Jymf} Everything that she have to study :]
When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
{Cljz} Yesterday(:
What kind of music does no. 8 like?
{MandyLew} I don't know.
Does no.1 have any siblings?
{Fcyx} Yes :D
Will you woo no. 3?
{Cljz} Not lesbian.
how about 7?
{Meixuan} I'm not lesbian :]
Is no. 4 single?
{Swl} Yes.
What is the surname of no. 5?
{Joey} Chua :D
What is a hobby of no. 10?
{Gina} Spongebob ! X:
25. Do no. 5 and no. 9 get along well?
{Joey & Wenxin} Should be? I think they're friends :]
Where is no. 2 studying at?
{Jymf} 100 Henderson Road, Henderson Secondary Schl :P
Where does no. 9 lives?
{LimWenxin} Near TiongBaruh there? I think.
What colour does no. 4 like?
{Swl} I think Pink.
What is no. 10 doing now?
{Gina} Thinking of me :P
- MandyLew :D
Your relationship with them:
- Retarded(s) , since 290707 ♥
Your 5 impression of them:
- Retarded, Zihigh, Friendly, Siao & Retarded! X:
The most memorable thing she/he have done for you:
- Quite many? Listening to my stupid things, Caring & Concerning [:
If they ever become your lover, you will:
- Impossible. I'm sure we're not lesbians :D
If he/she becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on:
- We're not lesbians ._.
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
- Won't de lah (:
What is it you want to tell them now:
- 4 more days! :]
Your overall impression of them now:
- Good , Great , Everything :P
How do you think people around you will feel about you:
- I don't know, o:
The characters of yourself you love are:
- Whenever I go crazy/zihigh/retarded, Smile :D
The most ideal person you want to be is:
- I'm myself. Nobody can change me (:
For people that cares and likes you, say something to them:
- Thanks for always being there, I love you all ♥
Pass this quiz to 10 person you wish to know how they feel about you:
1. Fcyx :]
2. Jymf :]
3. Cljz :]
4. Swl :]
5. Joeychua :]
6. VanessaChua :]
7. Meixuan :]
8. MandyLew :]
9. LimWenxin :]
10. Gina :]
p/s: i'd have included more if i could ):
Who's no.6 having relationship with?
{VanessaChua} Nobody(:
If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
{Meixuan & Gina} They're not lesbians :]
What is no. 2 studying about?
{Jymf} Everything that she have to study :]
When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
{Cljz} Yesterday(:
What kind of music does no. 8 like?
{MandyLew} I don't know.
Does no.1 have any siblings?
{Fcyx} Yes :D
Will you woo no. 3?
{Cljz} Not lesbian.
how about 7?
{Meixuan} I'm not lesbian :]
Is no. 4 single?
{Swl} Yes.
What is the surname of no. 5?
{Joey} Chua :D
What is a hobby of no. 10?
{Gina} Spongebob ! X:
25. Do no. 5 and no. 9 get along well?
{Joey & Wenxin} Should be? I think they're friends :]
Where is no. 2 studying at?
{Jymf} 100 Henderson Road, Henderson Secondary Schl :P
Where does no. 9 lives?
{LimWenxin} Near TiongBaruh there? I think.
What colour does no. 4 like?
{Swl} I think Pink.
What is no. 10 doing now?
{Gina} Thinking of me :P
Thursday, October 23, 2008
very happy (:
First thing that I need to announce,
I'm very happy(!)
Because I'm promoted, :D
All the girls in my class was promoted!
Basketballers in our class was promoted too!
Chior Members/NCC/SJAB Members were promoted too!(:
Hopefully most of us will be promoted.
Appreciation Concert today, was Awesome! :D
First item, was by the Normal Tech.
The Percussion thing. Quite cool actually :]
After that, guess what was it? :D
It was the Henderson Concert Banddd! Band! :D
They played All Shook Up! Janice & Junlin solo-ed :]
Janice's solo was incredible! So does Junlin's (:
After that I think it was Modern Dance Club.
They danced well! And, Yeh. We were laughing at somebody :P
Those who sat around us, will know.
If you don't, that's so sorry. Here's a smile to you! (:
After Modern Dance, I don't know if it was Jumpstyle, or Choir.
Jumpstyle changed "style" finally. It's quite amazing yah. (:
Though they're always jumping the same old stuffs.
The cute one, really very cute lohhhhhhhhhh! x:
Choir, not bad bahhhh (:
Prefectorial Board's Skit! Omg! That's god damn hilarious!
Esp when the starting, Eddy & Dhurkesh ran out.
Eddy was damnit retarded looking, & Dhurkesh was cute!
They played the LooneyTunes Tune :)
Fareez acted as MrsYeo. Dhurkesh as the student.
Mrs Yeo: Henderson, Where Are We?
Dhurkesh: 100 Henderson Road (blahblah), Henderson Secondary School, In The School Hall, At The Stage, With Me! :D
He's damnit cute right! Hahaha. Then their HelloKittyGang & PowerRangersGang!
Seriously, Big LOL Lah okay! :]
KayinMama, DiZiGui. Not bad too!
Carmen's singing, damnit nice! Because You Loved Me.
Her voice is so damnit nice too luh! Omggg(:
Tcher's sang. We sang too! We sang the School Song! Hahah!
After everything, we went to Harbourfront. Weili went home.
Band members had to go for Vaccination.
Harbourfront-ed with Jasmine, Kimberly & Jianhui.
Jianhui joined us for awhile. Then, ate at Banquet.(:
Walked around. Vivo to Harbourfront. Back to Vivo.
Saw Miss Siti, Miss Quah, Miss Loretta Lee, Miss Shirley Goh & Mr. See Chee Wah :P
They were eating. Disiao-ed. MrSee mix with so many girls :P
Saw saw saw Airen & SweetLover too! (: (:
Hahaha! Thenthen, Fiona they all reached already!
There was Fiona, Janice, Christabel, Amelia, Mechelle & Xiujing.
I brought Mr.See to find his Mummy (Fiona) :D
After that, walked to vivo. Then bus-ed back to school.
Amelia went home. Xiujing & Mechelle too.
The rest of us, Fiona, Janice, Christabel, Jasmine & Kimberly went back to school.
Watched the basketball match between, Henderson & Anderson.
Bboys lost them by 2 points/1 ball. Wasted. Nvrm, jiayous k! :)
Cboys played. The Pohkiat, trying to be funny one ley! Lol! X:
Disiao-ed Yiren! X: Then, went back to canteen. Slacked. Talked (:
Went home after that, with Fiona. Didn't go and help Bagay Korkor.
Didn't go in the end too. Then after that, Bubble Tea Shop :]
And homed lohhhh (:
I'm very happy(!)
Because I'm promoted, :D
All the girls in my class was promoted!
Basketballers in our class was promoted too!
Chior Members/NCC/SJAB Members were promoted too!(:
Hopefully most of us will be promoted.
Appreciation Concert today, was Awesome! :D
First item, was by the Normal Tech.
The Percussion thing. Quite cool actually :]
After that, guess what was it? :D
It was the Henderson Concert Banddd! Band! :D
They played All Shook Up! Janice & Junlin solo-ed :]
Janice's solo was incredible! So does Junlin's (:
After that I think it was Modern Dance Club.
They danced well! And, Yeh. We were laughing at somebody :P
Those who sat around us, will know.
If you don't, that's so sorry. Here's a smile to you! (:
After Modern Dance, I don't know if it was Jumpstyle, or Choir.
Jumpstyle changed "style" finally. It's quite amazing yah. (:
Though they're always jumping the same old stuffs.
The cute one, really very cute lohhhhhhhhhh! x:
Choir, not bad bahhhh (:
Prefectorial Board's Skit! Omg! That's god damn hilarious!
Esp when the starting, Eddy & Dhurkesh ran out.
Eddy was damnit retarded looking, & Dhurkesh was cute!
They played the LooneyTunes Tune :)
Fareez acted as MrsYeo. Dhurkesh as the student.
Mrs Yeo: Henderson, Where Are We?
Dhurkesh: 100 Henderson Road (blahblah), Henderson Secondary School, In The School Hall, At The Stage, With Me! :D
He's damnit cute right! Hahaha. Then their HelloKittyGang & PowerRangersGang!
Seriously, Big LOL Lah okay! :]
KayinMama, DiZiGui. Not bad too!
Carmen's singing, damnit nice! Because You Loved Me.
Her voice is so damnit nice too luh! Omggg(:
Tcher's sang. We sang too! We sang the School Song! Hahah!
After everything, we went to Harbourfront. Weili went home.
Band members had to go for Vaccination.
Harbourfront-ed with Jasmine, Kimberly & Jianhui.
Jianhui joined us for awhile. Then, ate at Banquet.(:
Walked around. Vivo to Harbourfront. Back to Vivo.
Saw Miss Siti, Miss Quah, Miss Loretta Lee, Miss Shirley Goh & Mr. See Chee Wah :P
They were eating. Disiao-ed. MrSee mix with so many girls :P
Saw saw saw Airen & SweetLover too! (: (:
Hahaha! Thenthen, Fiona they all reached already!
There was Fiona, Janice, Christabel, Amelia, Mechelle & Xiujing.
I brought Mr.See to find his Mummy (Fiona) :D
After that, walked to vivo. Then bus-ed back to school.
Amelia went home. Xiujing & Mechelle too.
The rest of us, Fiona, Janice, Christabel, Jasmine & Kimberly went back to school.
Watched the basketball match between, Henderson & Anderson.
Bboys lost them by 2 points/1 ball. Wasted. Nvrm, jiayous k! :)
Cboys played. The Pohkiat, trying to be funny one ley! Lol! X:
Disiao-ed Yiren! X: Then, went back to canteen. Slacked. Talked (:
Went home after that, with Fiona. Didn't go and help Bagay Korkor.
Didn't go in the end too. Then after that, Bubble Tea Shop :]
And homed lohhhh (:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pwns you
Monday which was yesterday.
School was boring, Maths & English the whole day.
English is quite okay, Maths is boring. I don't like :/
After school, they had band. I went great world.
with Jasmine(!), Kimberly(!), Carmen(!), Mandy(!) {:
Had yoshinoya for lunch, saw Garytzw, Calvin, Mingduo.
After that, walked around. Saw this super cute elmo file.
Cost me 4$. But well, nice lah! Bobian :D
Saw many elmo stuffs, gonna buy it! Weee :D:D
And I couldn't stop Labit-ing :]
Went to bmmac with Kimberly, Jasmine.
Carmen went home, Mandy too.
Buds came after that! Weee! High with Bel & Janice & Fiona ! :D
Bel was irritated by my LabitLabit! :D
Today school as usual. Maths, as usual, Boring.
English is fun today! Esp when we went through Oral stuffs.
Tongue Twisterrrs! Super funnyyyy! & Fun like duh :]
Then, the Room Service & Guest. It's damnit funny.
After school, went to meet Weekeat & Gary at tiong.
Ate, Joey came. Bus-ed to purmei :]
Played bball awhile. Most of the time, slacking at bubble tea shop.
Homed at around 6.45(I think). With TanWeekeat.
Joey took bus with Garytzw :]
*I saw Anvarrrrrrrr(!) &
Fareeed at purmei too! :D

School was boring, Maths & English the whole day.
English is quite okay, Maths is boring. I don't like :/
After school, they had band. I went great world.
with Jasmine(!), Kimberly(!), Carmen(!), Mandy(!) {:
Had yoshinoya for lunch, saw Garytzw, Calvin, Mingduo.
After that, walked around. Saw this super cute elmo file.
Cost me 4$. But well, nice lah! Bobian :D
Saw many elmo stuffs, gonna buy it! Weee :D:D
And I couldn't stop Labit-ing :]
Went to bmmac with Kimberly, Jasmine.
Carmen went home, Mandy too.
Buds came after that! Weee! High with Bel & Janice & Fiona ! :D
Bel was irritated by my LabitLabit! :D
Today school as usual. Maths, as usual, Boring.
English is fun today! Esp when we went through Oral stuffs.
Tongue Twisterrrs! Super funnyyyy! & Fun like duh :]
Then, the Room Service & Guest. It's damnit funny.
After school, went to meet Weekeat & Gary at tiong.
Ate, Joey came. Bus-ed to purmei :]
Played bball awhile. Most of the time, slacking at bubble tea shop.
Homed at around 6.45(I think). With TanWeekeat.
Joey took bus with Garytzw :]
*I saw Anvarrrrrrrr(!) &
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, met Baby at tiong with Singwai.
Ate, and everything. Bused to Purmei.
Played basketball. Many people.
Played in the rain. There were:
Baby, Singwai, Gary, Weekeat, Kwokonn, Calvin, Siuweng, Waitat, Keekuan, Yangguo, Jeremy, Janitra, Junlin, One P6 Boy(Waitat's New Friend X:)
We're like, disturbing the P6 boy, he's like saying, when he Sec 2, he'd be taking the exam to get into NUS. Then Sec 3 get into NUS. And every sentence he say, there'd be vulgarities. Like Wow. O:
Yangguo was like disiaoing also! Hahaha! Lol, then they disiao me also o: Say my prounouciation all these. Cus earlier, I can't pronounce "Acceleration". Hahaha! -.-
Went home at around 8+ going 9? I forgotten. Ahahah!
Yesterday, school-ed for Cca day. Fsc was quite fun. :]
Myself, Chiameng, Christopher, Yuhao & Benjamin are involved in the 3Rs "event" on 15Nov, at Henderson Community Club. Then is like, Christopher stomachache, went to the toilet for a very long time, and we have to decide the schedule for our timeslot. Each of us were supposed to contribute at least 2hrs. Chiameng say, we say Christopher ownself want to contribute 4hrs one lah, then each of us do 1hr only. Then when Christopher come back, we told him, he say, Okay lah, Set -.- Then after that, told MrDarrenChong, he said, No. -.- Hahaha, damnit funny lah. Okay, it's fun luh dey :] Then worked with Yuhao to do the Poster about why is Recycling important. :/
Recess. Back to AVT for Chinese lesson. Sat in-between Angel & Janice :D Fun bodoh :]
After that, went to NA block to meet Wenxin & Gina. Walked out of school, Bel called. They came to find us. There were, Bel, Fiona, Jasmine, Weili :]
We took 145 to Harbourfront, walked around. Damnit noisy, many people asked us to shhhhh! X: Hahahaha, saw many straps. Damnit cute, but there wasn't Elmo&CookieMonstieeee! ): Badbadbad! Had damnit lots of fun & laughters. Hehhhh! (:
Ate pastamania, then walked around again. Vivoooo!(: Minitoons, saw very cute Elmo&CookieMonstieeee Pilloooooow! :D Boohooo! Hahhhh! :P I'm getting highhhhhh! (Again). Went to toysaurus to play alsoooo! Whee, there was Wobbuffet! Then I took and, WAaabafet. X: Muahahha! :D:D:D:D:D Butbut, no psyduckkkk. Then Chia cannot make ): Buddy not here, if not she can Pikaaaachu :P Opppps! :D Went back to school to find them at Prefects' room after that (: They were playing Stress! Hahaha! Damnit funny lah bodohhhh!(: And we went to bmmac to eat , with Jasmine, Agnes & Kimberlyy :]
Fun and Laughters, Boohoooooo (: Hehhhhh. Went home at around 6.45 {:
Reached purmei, went to Bubbletea shop to find Joey. Then went home together :D
Today, met Fiona, Janice, Clive, Pohchai & Daniel at interchange. Saw John & Jerry. Took 16 to Orchard. Walked around. Went to Heeren first, looked around. Then to Cineleisure. Ate, Bagay super RETARTED! :D Somebody pronounced it likethat! :} Muahahaha. Pronounce Sa Po Fan as Sa Fo Fan. & L Change The World as L Train The World. Muahahha :D Oppps, Okay. That stupid Daniel keep hitting my head. -.- Because I was damnit high, Zihigh, very Retarded -.- Stupidddd! :] Went home at around 7. Took 123. The little girl very cute, told her Mother she wants to change her name to SomethingHeart one. Forgotten. Lol! I think it was Pretty Heart? Forgotten lahhh! I've stm de. :] Went to bubbleteashop meet Joey, Hweeying, Singwai, Gary, Blaise, Auntie & Yihan! Hahaha. I saw Hweeying! Super long never see her, then high again! Hahaha! :D:D Went to court, okay. Got kinda pissed. But well, who cares. Ownself por so many people. Still kaopeh so much. Look who's talking lah hor. I'm not gonna care these kind of small matters alr lah. Small kids. Grow up. -.-
Ate, and everything. Bused to Purmei.
Played basketball. Many people.
Played in the rain. There were:
Baby, Singwai, Gary, Weekeat, Kwokonn, Calvin, Siuweng, Waitat, Keekuan, Yangguo, Jeremy, Janitra, Junlin, One P6 Boy(Waitat's New Friend X:)
We're like, disturbing the P6 boy, he's like saying, when he Sec 2, he'd be taking the exam to get into NUS. Then Sec 3 get into NUS. And every sentence he say, there'd be vulgarities. Like Wow. O:
Yangguo was like disiaoing also! Hahaha! Lol, then they disiao me also o: Say my prounouciation all these. Cus earlier, I can't pronounce "Acceleration". Hahaha! -.-
Went home at around 8+ going 9? I forgotten. Ahahah!
Yesterday, school-ed for Cca day. Fsc was quite fun. :]
Myself, Chiameng, Christopher, Yuhao & Benjamin are involved in the 3Rs "event" on 15Nov, at Henderson Community Club. Then is like, Christopher stomachache, went to the toilet for a very long time, and we have to decide the schedule for our timeslot. Each of us were supposed to contribute at least 2hrs. Chiameng say, we say Christopher ownself want to contribute 4hrs one lah, then each of us do 1hr only. Then when Christopher come back, we told him, he say, Okay lah, Set -.- Then after that, told MrDarrenChong, he said, No. -.- Hahaha, damnit funny lah. Okay, it's fun luh dey :] Then worked with Yuhao to do the Poster about why is Recycling important. :/
Recess. Back to AVT for Chinese lesson. Sat in-between Angel & Janice :D Fun bodoh :]
After that, went to NA block to meet Wenxin & Gina. Walked out of school, Bel called. They came to find us. There were, Bel, Fiona, Jasmine, Weili :]
We took 145 to Harbourfront, walked around. Damnit noisy, many people asked us to shhhhh! X: Hahahaha, saw many straps. Damnit cute, but there wasn't Elmo&CookieMonstieeee! ): Badbadbad! Had damnit lots of fun & laughters. Hehhhh! (:
Ate pastamania, then walked around again. Vivoooo!(: Minitoons, saw very cute Elmo&CookieMonstieeee Pilloooooow! :D Boohooo! Hahhhh! :P I'm getting highhhhhh! (Again). Went to toysaurus to play alsoooo! Whee, there was Wobbuffet! Then I took and, WAaabafet. X: Muahahha! :D:D:D:D:D Butbut, no psyduckkkk. Then Chia cannot make ): Buddy not here, if not she can Pikaaaachu :P Opppps! :D Went back to school to find them at Prefects' room after that (: They were playing Stress! Hahaha! Damnit funny lah bodohhhh!(: And we went to bmmac to eat , with Jasmine, Agnes & Kimberlyy :]
Fun and Laughters, Boohoooooo (: Hehhhhh. Went home at around 6.45 {:
Reached purmei, went to Bubbletea shop to find Joey. Then went home together :D
Today, met Fiona, Janice, Clive, Pohchai & Daniel at interchange. Saw John & Jerry. Took 16 to Orchard. Walked around. Went to Heeren first, looked around. Then to Cineleisure. Ate, Bagay super RETARTED! :D Somebody pronounced it likethat! :} Muahahaha. Pronounce Sa Po Fan as Sa Fo Fan. & L Change The World as L Train The World. Muahahha :D Oppps, Okay. That stupid Daniel keep hitting my head. -.- Because I was damnit high, Zihigh, very Retarded -.- Stupidddd! :] Went home at around 7. Took 123. The little girl very cute, told her Mother she wants to change her name to SomethingHeart one. Forgotten. Lol! I think it was Pretty Heart? Forgotten lahhh! I've stm de. :] Went to bubbleteashop meet Joey, Hweeying, Singwai, Gary, Blaise, Auntie & Yihan! Hahaha. I saw Hweeying! Super long never see her, then high again! Hahaha! :D:D Went to court, okay. Got kinda pissed. But well, who cares. Ownself por so many people. Still kaopeh so much. Look who's talking lah hor. I'm not gonna care these kind of small matters alr lah. Small kids. Grow up. -.-
Tag Replys.
- Ahvann: Hahaha! Face redred eh! :D That's me me me! Boohoo! You're not online! :/ Okay. I'm cheered! Hahaha! I'm damnit high now. Hehhhh! I don't know why. Anyway, I'd try EVEN harder to let go. :D Must help me keh! luv you manymany lahhhh!(: Thanks Vanvan!(: Hahahha! Don't care her keh. Cannot grow up want (:
- JoeyChua: Hahaha. Okayyy. Yeh. M.E.S, all same condition. Fcuk love. Fcuk love!(: Hahhaa. I'd try even harder to let go. You have to try too okay. (: I luv you! :D Babyyy! Don't care the person k. You know who's that person too anyway. Hahaha. Well, Luv you baby(:
- Mandy`Retarded: Hahaha! Okayyy(: Get into good classes next year k! Luv you(:
- Passer-By: Well, I'd not be affected by you. And I know who are you already. If you have the guts, put down your name. Thankyou. & Think twice, before saying me. Look who's worst. -.-
- Wenjun: Airenn(: Hahaha, thanks yeh! :D Don't care lah, very lame. Cannot grow up. Older than you, still cannot grow up. I don't know what's her problem :] I saw you yesterday yo! :) Hehhhhh :D
- Jiajun: Well. Who knows. Guilty concious? Also nobody say you're the passer by. -.-
- Ruiyi: Thanks! Don't care that person. :D Hello Mei! (:
- Amy: Yeh! Okay! Will de! You jiayou for O's k! :]
- Lijoo: Hahaha. Thanks! (:
- Jymf: Hahaha! First tag no link :P Hehhh! Retarded Siaopeh! :D Luv you♥
- Fcyx: Your tag, make me laugh lah you! Retarded Chiaaaaa! :D Hahaha, I luv you♥
- Gina: Hahhaa! Cancelled(: More Outings K! :P Luv you! XiaoBaichiiiiii (:
- Gary: Hahaha! Thanks(: Will de:D
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fcyx: Luvluv(♥) Haohao, wo bu yao pao okay :]
Ahvann: Hahaha! Nvrm lah. Rongrong nicerrrr! of course i luv you luh. how would i not luv you(?) bu yao shy nah taoyan gui x: Yeah, don't care them luh, they kukubird one. Ahahaha. Yeah, they're entertaining luh. :] Yehhh, hughug back! Heh, you Vanvan Chua Rongrong. :)
Amy: Haha :/ Yeh. thanks yo! Will de. If I get to be promoted to S4E :/ scareddddddddd. :/ yeh okay. no problem. ask her t text me lo :]
Mandy: Hahah! Good what, ahsoon! :)
Wenxin: ahah. Yeh. nice. iluvyoutoo :]
Gina: Hahaha. Yehhh. Luv you. Hahah. Yeh k, will one.
Wenjun: I luv you too, Airennnnn!
Ruiyi: Thanks for tagging. Yeh, will de. Thanks.
Janice: You retardedsiaopehhhhhh(♥)
Huiying: Yeh of course! Hahah, i know you luv me!
Joey: No luh, it's not your fault. Sighs, maybe it's meant to be bah. No matter how much I type now, He wouldn't care. he wouldn't, he wouldn't be back with me, even if there's 0.00000000000000000001% of chance, also bu ke neng one. sighs, sighs, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhs, fcuk life. FUCK LOVE.
Dawn: Hahah, yeh, i luv you too.
Priscilla: Helloooooo.
Crystal: Hahaha, lol. Relax uh!
Lijoo: Hellooooo. Thanks.
Jacelyn: Happy 4th Month, :] Yeh, will de. Okay. Thanks. :]
Priscilla: CookieElmo. Yeh, thanks. I luv you too.
Sinni: Yeh k. Will link. Takecare.
Alysia: Yeh, kay. Nvrm lah, it's ok. Thanks, iluvyoutoo.
Fcyx: Luvluv(♥) Haohao, wo bu yao pao okay :]
Ahvann: Hahaha! Nvrm lah. Rongrong nicerrrr! of course i luv you luh. how would i not luv you(?) bu yao shy nah taoyan gui x: Yeah, don't care them luh, they kukubird one. Ahahaha. Yeah, they're entertaining luh. :] Yehhh, hughug back! Heh, you Vanvan Chua Rongrong. :)
Amy: Haha :/ Yeh. thanks yo! Will de. If I get to be promoted to S4E :/ scareddddddddd. :/ yeh okay. no problem. ask her t text me lo :]
Mandy: Hahah! Good what, ahsoon! :)
Wenxin: ahah. Yeh. nice. iluvyoutoo :]
Gina: Hahaha. Yehhh. Luv you. Hahah. Yeh k, will one.
Wenjun: I luv you too, Airennnnn!
Ruiyi: Thanks for tagging. Yeh, will de. Thanks.
Janice: You retardedsiaopehhhhhh(♥)
Huiying: Yeh of course! Hahah, i know you luv me!
Joey: No luh, it's not your fault. Sighs, maybe it's meant to be bah. No matter how much I type now, He wouldn't care. he wouldn't, he wouldn't be back with me, even if there's 0.00000000000000000001% of chance, also bu ke neng one. sighs, sighs, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhs, fcuk life. FUCK LOVE.
Dawn: Hahah, yeh, i luv you too.
Priscilla: Helloooooo.
Crystal: Hahaha, lol. Relax uh!
Lijoo: Hellooooo. Thanks.
Jacelyn: Happy 4th Month, :] Yeh, will de. Okay. Thanks. :]
Priscilla: CookieElmo. Yeh, thanks. I luv you too.
Sinni: Yeh k. Will link. Takecare.
Alysia: Yeh, kay. Nvrm lah, it's ok. Thanks, iluvyoutoo.
♥you're yet my hardest goodbye. ):
p/s: i still can't get over you.
sighs, i don't know why are all these happening again.
i miss you, yes, i miss you damnit much.
i'm not afraid to post this up, because i know you,
will never ever read my blog again.
even a happypill, wouldn't help. sighhhhs.
i miss you, i miss you, i miss you fcuking much.
forgetting you, it's harder than i've thought.
it's just too deep, i can't let go.
you wouldn't know how much i needed you.
you woulnt't know, yes, you wouldn't know.
i thought i would be able to let go of you, and yet.
i realised i can't. you're the one in my heart, all along.
there isn't someone else, i swear there isn't.
how i wish there are friends beside me to make me laugh right now.
how i wish i could smile like how i did before.
; -♥729637.
sighs, i don't know why are all these happening again.
i miss you, yes, i miss you damnit much.
i'm not afraid to post this up, because i know you,
will never ever read my blog again.
even a happypill, wouldn't help. sighhhhs.
i miss you, i miss you, i miss you fcuking much.
forgetting you, it's harder than i've thought.
it's just too deep, i can't let go.
you wouldn't know how much i needed you.
you woulnt't know, yes, you wouldn't know.
i thought i would be able to let go of you, and yet.
i realised i can't. you're the one in my heart, all along.
there isn't someone else, i swear there isn't.
how i wish there are friends beside me to make me laugh right now.
how i wish i could smile like how i did before.
; -♥729637.
schooled as usual. today's pe lesson is one of the most interesting one.
we played interclass captains ball. some other girls played basketball.
e2 played against e1 first. we won them.
then we played against e3, we won them too.
3-cheered after that and went back to class for maths.
chemistry, then poa. stayed back awhile. homed.
around 6, went to bmc to meet buds. mac, ate, fun, laughters :/
went home after that, boo. sighs.
schooled as usual. today's pe lesson is one of the most interesting one.
we played interclass captains ball. some other girls played basketball.
e2 played against e1 first. we won them.
then we played against e3, we won them too.
3-cheered after that and went back to class for maths.
chemistry, then poa. stayed back awhile. homed.
around 6, went to bmc to meet buds. mac, ate, fun, laughters :/
went home after that, boo. sighs.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
♥Because it's you.
even though i really love you,
i'm gonna smile cos i deserve to,
it'll all get better in time.
i'm gonna smile cos i deserve to,
it'll all get better in time.
Hello People(!)
Schooled as usual today, nothing much. Boringggg.
English, went through paper 2.
Physics, went through sound.
Chemistry, did worksheet & did our own work. many of us slept.
Chinese, watched pinochio. did our own things.
Form Teacher Period, wrote the things for Mrs Yeo. & did our own things.
After school, waited till 2.3o. We went up to the hall for Lunchtime Concert.
After 15-20 minutes of waiting(?), it finally began.
Dance was great. Not bad though, yeh. There was jumpstyle too :/
It took place for around 20 minutes, and it ended.
Anchorpoint-ed with Bestbuds.
Looked for straps there, but, well, nothing suit our taste.
There's no MickeyMouse/Elmo/Poohbear. :/
Badbadbad, but they're quite cute though.
Shall go vivo to look for straps soon, :D
Steadstead said there's straps for sale in vivo!
Hopefully there're nicer ones, I want elmo & cookiemonsterrrr! ):
Went to Janice's house at around 5.
Watched "douniuyaobuyao", and helped her with blogskin. :}
Left her house at around 6.50. Interchange-d with Christabel & Weili.
Saw Chongjing & Hongde. 131-ed home, Chongjing came up too.
At the next stop, Jansen & Andrew came up the bus. :D
Andrew went home, Chongjing, Jansen & me went down to court to see who's there.
Junjie went home already, if not going to say Hello one. Long time no see alr.
There were Joey, Mingduo, Gary, Calvin. I think only them, forgotten.
Went home with them afterwards. :]
Slept just now, I'm still very tired. Oh gawd. Shitass ):
sighs, as I read baby's blog, tears flowed.
i thought back, of the past. when we're together.
those happy times, i used to have with you.
the care and concerns, love, hugs and kisses i used to have from you.
when i'm cold, you'd give me warmth.
whenever i'm sad, you'd try your best to make me smile.
even though when you're not trying. i can smile.
there were so many things that happened, they were unsaid.
the problems between us, so many things. sighs.
no matter how much i tried, you said it was pointless.
i tried my best, but you wouldn't give us one more chance.
after so long, i thought i could have forgotten.
but in fact, i really can't. a brave front, cannot hide the weak side for long.
after some time, the brave front will still breakdown.
hweelin said, i always fake, say i'm okay, i'm fine. but in fact, i'm really very sad.
i'm very afraid that i'd breakdown again, because i really don't want to.
all i needed, is just the care & concern, from you again.
i missed the times, we had. seriously, those times.
you'd always be there for me, to listen to my rantings and whatsoever.
you'd withstand my attitude, knowing that i'm in a badmood.
but now, it's no longer there, sighs.
if only, there's a time machine.
sighs, as I read baby's blog, tears flowed.
i thought back, of the past. when we're together.
those happy times, i used to have with you.
the care and concerns, love, hugs and kisses i used to have from you.
when i'm cold, you'd give me warmth.
whenever i'm sad, you'd try your best to make me smile.
even though when you're not trying. i can smile.
there were so many things that happened, they were unsaid.
the problems between us, so many things. sighs.
no matter how much i tried, you said it was pointless.
i tried my best, but you wouldn't give us one more chance.
after so long, i thought i could have forgotten.
but in fact, i really can't. a brave front, cannot hide the weak side for long.
after some time, the brave front will still breakdown.
hweelin said, i always fake, say i'm okay, i'm fine. but in fact, i'm really very sad.
i'm very afraid that i'd breakdown again, because i really don't want to.
all i needed, is just the care & concern, from you again.
i missed the times, we had. seriously, those times.
you'd always be there for me, to listen to my rantings and whatsoever.
you'd withstand my attitude, knowing that i'm in a badmood.
but now, it's no longer there, sighs.
if only, there's a time machine.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tags reply(:
Tag Reply(s) :D
- Meixuan: Hahaha :D Youu not chaota, cannot disiao siol! :P Nevermind, you you, you. you, HAPPYPILL`SZB{♥} :D
- Ahvann: Boo! My Vanvan Chua Rongrong :P Hahaha! Yeh, will jio you de k! Hehhh, cute narh you momma! :} eyes so sharp say i look like pinggguo! hahaha! thenthen, you rongrong(♥) iloveyou! :} Orhhhhhhhh! I know liao, I know liao! Eh, like, very cool liddat ehzxczx! :P
- Gina: yehhh! Happy 1st Month! (: friday, our date, with wenxin! :}
- Wenxin: Hehhh! (: I luv you luh! Friday yeh! Our date, with Ginaaa! :} (realise both of your tag replies, are just next t each other vertically, on the y-axis X:)
- Dawn: Hahaha! Someone's birthday's coming (:
- Fcyx: Will de will de ! Hehhhh ! I don't play le k ! :} I luv chia{♥}
- Ruiyi/Maple/Lijoo: Meimei/Blogskinner Daughterrr/Meimei! :D
- Huiying: Lol! Why awesome eh!? X: I catch no balls X:
- Hweeying: S`, i luv you too! ♥
- Siyuuu: Thanks ! {:
- Wenjun: Airennnn! {: Luv you! :D
Hello Everyone(!)
Shall post a short & sweet post again.
p/s: i'm very tired. boo.
Shall post a short & sweet post again.
p/s: i'm very tired. boo.
- woke up extremely early without the aid of an alarm clock.
- stoned at home the whole day.
- submitted a blogskin, after 1 month of inactiveness :D
- played some private servers as was super bored.
- met wenxin&gina at purmei.
- they passed me a cookiemonster! omg! thanks!(:
- jansen came, chatted, slacked, homed at 8.
- watched hotshot using the computer :D
- almost woke up late again. am super tired.
- schooled, knew about english overall for eoy. disappointed. :/
- got back our ss paper, disappointed. :/
- hopefully chinese don't have such ending ?
- tionged to meet joey, weekeat, gary. ate kfc.
- kopitiam, find ahvan(♥) & her mother say i look like apple x:
- purmei at 5+, bubbleteashoped, homed at 6.30.
Happy 1st Month, Gina'Xiaobaichi♥
i luvluvluv you (:
friday, our date, with wenxin (:
i luvluvluv you (:
friday, our date, with wenxin (:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
i'm sorryyyyy, luv ♥
Cherish your yesterdays. Live your todays. Dream your tomorrows.
i shall make today's post bullet form.
- happy 5th month, wenjun`airen ♥
- woke up fcuking early, 11.55am.
- washed up, met them at bubble tea shop.
- ate lunch, played bball. i can't fcuking run!
- shots were terrible.
- went home at around 4.30.
- went to bubble tea shop to meet them again.
- home i go afterwards.
Tag Replys.
Ahvann: Lol. nevermind luh :] hahaha, I reading your blog mah, then I saw the pictures, jiu see loh. Butbut, never zoom in hor! :P Ahahah, you then biantai :P Yeah, you biantai luh, still say I biantai that day x: Hehh! Me Luv Rongrong also! You retarded rongrong :P
Leiting: Yehhh. You too, takecare. W'loves.
Fcyx: Hehhh! Chia! ♥
FishB: Uhhh, Thanks! You're? Don't mind putting down your name?
Maple: Nah, not that good? I don't know. If my CombineHumans, Chinese & English pass, I'd be satisfied alr loh! :D
Leiting: Yehhh. You too, takecare. W'loves.
Fcyx: Hehhh! Chia! ♥
FishB: Uhhh, Thanks! You're? Don't mind putting down your name?
Maple: Nah, not that good? I don't know. If my CombineHumans, Chinese & English pass, I'd be satisfied alr loh! :D
Gina: Nevermind de luh! Can de, jiayoujiayou :]
Mandy: Yeh thanks! :D you jiayou too. :]
Ruiyi: Hope it's okay luh! :D
Wenjun: Yeh! Airennnn!(: Happy 5th Month! Neverending Friendship k! :D
Mandy: Yeh thanks! :D you jiayou too. :]
Ruiyi: Hope it's okay luh! :D
Wenjun: Yeh! Airennnn!(: Happy 5th Month! Neverending Friendship k! :D
Friday, October 10, 2008
i'm sorryyyyy, luv ♥
Hello Lovelys {:
Shall post for today & yesterday.
Yesterday woke up late. Lol! Was supposed to meet them at 11. I woke up at around 12+ or 1? Forgotten! -.- I've bad memory, yeah I know :D
Hmmmm, prepared and rushed down to school to meet them. Did a little bit of gym, and played basketball with Jasmine. :] Around 2, bused to tiong. We went our separate ways. Because they don't want to gain fats, they went to kopitiam to eat. Fiona, Rafidah & I ate KFC. Hehhhh, fatfatfats! :/ Sorry to pangseh you all , sorry. Took bus 195 with Fiona, she went home to get something, while I went down to purmei. :] Met Joey, Gary, Weekeat, Junlin, Singwai, Reynold, Siuweng & Keekuan. Kiap joined us afterwards, together with Jeremy.
Chinchai they all came down too, only played 1 game and they left. Played many full courts, Ran here & there. Amongst ourselves, we played 3 quarters. 4th full court was with Chinchai they all :] Went home at around 8plus, hehhhhhh, I think. Or was it 7plus? I don't know, forgotten.
Today, was late for school. Checked papers, there were improvements and lousy grades. Improved quite alot for Chemistry, Chinese. Slight improvements for Physics, History & English Pp2 :]
Lousy grades were my POA & EMaths! :/ I still don't know about my SS yet. o:
It was the most shocking for my Chinese results. It's the first time I'm passing my Chinese Pp2 in Sec 3. I think Sec 2 also never passed before? Forgotten :D
I hope I'd be able to go to S4E next year. I don't want to retain, neither do I want to drop NA :/
I hope I wouldn't. I hope my friends wouldn't either. Esp, you.
Went to tiong to eat at kopitiam with Buds. Walked around. Went back to school, Slacked like nobody's business from 3+ till 6. Wtf -.- Discussed about results, whether to drop Pure anot(E1 students). All these, then, slept, from 5+ till 6 :/ My knee injury is hurting like fcuk! shittttt! ):
At least it's better after icing it :] Thanks MrPeh for the icepack :} Walked to interchange with Buds & Mandy. Bused back to Purmei, with Jansen & Jared. Jansen & I went court. Did nothing much there, watched them play, couldn't play as knee was hurting like abcdefg -.-
Shall post for today & yesterday.
Yesterday woke up late. Lol! Was supposed to meet them at 11. I woke up at around 12+ or 1? Forgotten! -.- I've bad memory, yeah I know :D
Hmmmm, prepared and rushed down to school to meet them. Did a little bit of gym, and played basketball with Jasmine. :] Around 2, bused to tiong. We went our separate ways. Because they don't want to gain fats, they went to kopitiam to eat. Fiona, Rafidah & I ate KFC. Hehhhh, fatfatfats! :/ Sorry to pangseh you all , sorry. Took bus 195 with Fiona, she went home to get something, while I went down to purmei. :] Met Joey, Gary, Weekeat, Junlin, Singwai, Reynold, Siuweng & Keekuan. Kiap joined us afterwards, together with Jeremy.
Chinchai they all came down too, only played 1 game and they left. Played many full courts, Ran here & there. Amongst ourselves, we played 3 quarters. 4th full court was with Chinchai they all :] Went home at around 8plus, hehhhhhh, I think. Or was it 7plus? I don't know, forgotten.
Today, was late for school. Checked papers, there were improvements and lousy grades. Improved quite alot for Chemistry, Chinese. Slight improvements for Physics, History & English Pp2 :]
Lousy grades were my POA & EMaths! :/ I still don't know about my SS yet. o:
It was the most shocking for my Chinese results. It's the first time I'm passing my Chinese Pp2 in Sec 3. I think Sec 2 also never passed before? Forgotten :D
I hope I'd be able to go to S4E next year. I don't want to retain, neither do I want to drop NA :/
I hope I wouldn't. I hope my friends wouldn't either. Esp, you.
Went to tiong to eat at kopitiam with Buds. Walked around. Went back to school, Slacked like nobody's business from 3+ till 6. Wtf -.- Discussed about results, whether to drop Pure anot(E1 students). All these, then, slept, from 5+ till 6 :/ My knee injury is hurting like fcuk! shittttt! ):
At least it's better after icing it :] Thanks MrPeh for the icepack :} Walked to interchange with Buds & Mandy. Bused back to Purmei, with Jansen & Jared. Jansen & I went court. Did nothing much there, watched them play, couldn't play as knee was hurting like abcdefg -.-
I want my knee to be okay, shitass.
I hope I can go up to S4E next year.
I hope I can go up to S4E next year.
Tagreplys :'D
Eva: Yeah loh, hao jiu bu jian! :P
MandySoon/Yuting/Ruiqing/Foongsze: Relinked/Linked/Relinked/Relinked. :D
Benda: I'm alright. No worries :]
Priscilla: Siaopeh. :] Misses too.
Ruiyi/Bernard/Ingrid/Huiling/Clara/Joey/Lijoo/Crystal/Maple/Jacklyn: Hello Mei/Listener/Junior/Shutup/Clara/Babyyy/Lijoo/Dear/Daughter/Crazygirl [:
Ahvann: Of course I'd miss you! Yehhhh! Proper Meetup! Muackkkks! I Miss you Fcuk loads too! Hyper hyper with me yo! Hehhhh! Woainis! My com okay alr :D Is Daryl ask me call him de mahhhhhh! Lol! :/ Next time I call you keh! :D
Jiayu: Lol, nevermind lahhhh. I also forgotten also X: Luvs to Lovelove :}
Wenjun: Yeh, meetup soon! Yehh! Tomorrow, 5th Monthhh! Wuuuu! Pbt! :D
Gina: Yehhh, hope so too! How's your resulttts? :D I luv you very muchie too! :D
Huiying: Yehhh, i know you do! So do i! :D
Foongsze: Aiseyyy, English pro sey :D
Agnes: I don't know leyyy :/
Gawon: Npnp :] Takecare too!
Amy: Exams, still okay. I think. Results still okay? Or maybe, Buangggg! x:
Janice: YeeMeiFoong RetardedddddSiaopehhhh ♥
Wenxin: Nonono, Iloveyou more! :D
Meixuan: Yeh loh! I saw youuuu! Hehhhhhh :'D
Gary: Bhb lah you, stupid cutecute! -.-
Shermaine: :D:D:D Belated 1st Month!
Fcyx: Yehhh! I mean I'm a Britishhhhh! ♥
PriscillaP: Yehhh! I jsut talked to you yesterdayyy! hoyhoy :D
Eva: Yeah loh, hao jiu bu jian! :P
MandySoon/Yuting/Ruiqing/Foongsze: Relinked/Linked/Relinked/Relinked. :D
Benda: I'm alright. No worries :]
Priscilla: Siaopeh. :] Misses too.
Ruiyi/Bernard/Ingrid/Huiling/Clara/Joey/Lijoo/Crystal/Maple/Jacklyn: Hello Mei/Listener/Junior/Shutup/Clara/Babyyy/Lijoo/Dear/Daughter/Crazygirl [:
Ahvann: Of course I'd miss you! Yehhhh! Proper Meetup! Muackkkks! I Miss you Fcuk loads too! Hyper hyper with me yo! Hehhhh! Woainis! My com okay alr :D Is Daryl ask me call him de mahhhhhh! Lol! :/ Next time I call you keh! :D
Jiayu: Lol, nevermind lahhhh. I also forgotten also X: Luvs to Lovelove :}
Wenjun: Yeh, meetup soon! Yehh! Tomorrow, 5th Monthhh! Wuuuu! Pbt! :D
Gina: Yehhh, hope so too! How's your resulttts? :D I luv you very muchie too! :D
Huiying: Yehhh, i know you do! So do i! :D
Foongsze: Aiseyyy, English pro sey :D
Agnes: I don't know leyyy :/
Gawon: Npnp :] Takecare too!
Amy: Exams, still okay. I think. Results still okay? Or maybe, Buangggg! x:
Janice: YeeMeiFoong RetardedddddSiaopehhhh ♥
Wenxin: Nonono, Iloveyou more! :D
Meixuan: Yeh loh! I saw youuuu! Hehhhhhh :'D
Gary: Bhb lah you, stupid cutecute! -.-
Shermaine: :D:D:D Belated 1st Month!
Fcyx: Yehhh! I mean I'm a Britishhhhh! ♥
PriscillaP: Yehhh! I jsut talked to you yesterdayyy! hoyhoy :D
Finally, all tags replied :]
• Tonight will be the night that I'd fall for you again.
• Tonight will be the night that I'd fall for you again.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Eh yo Readers! :D
Look at the time now, it's 11.59 :D
1 more minute, before the time strike 12.
oh okay, it's 12 already (random).
uhhh, okay, shall just randomly post about what happened for the past few days.
i stayed at home the whole day, and studied chemistry. like well, so guai k. yeh, and non-stop stomachaches. fcuk it :]
Chemistry paper today, it was quite okay. not so bad. hope can pass. hehh, after that, went opposite and have our breakfast. and went to fionachia's house subsequently :]
we watched the mist, it was quite an interesting movie, rated 7/10. after that, we went back to school and slacked till around 5+, i went to play bball with jasmine! and liliang! around 6, went off and down to purmei, played bball. there was me, joey, singwai & edmund. went off around 8plus i think. forgotten.
Maths paper 2, as well as our last paper. went to bm mac to eat breakfast, then went home changed and get disc to fionac's house. watched one missed call 3. not bad, the faces are funny to me, idk why! LOL! hehhhh, :D rated 8/10. after that, paiseh, psed you all, went down purmei, played bball with many people, alot people came. boo. there were:
zan, joey, hweeying, gary, weekeat, andrew, john, nigel, kevin, jansen, junlin, hongjie, chongjing, siuweng, keekuan, rayner, aaron, dominic, singwai, jiajun, priscilla, cherie, marcel, yingyi, aye alot people lah, lol. i forgotten, boo.
didn't get to play fullcourt with zanteowj! shitass. and oh yeh, some people are just fucking xialan. sec 1 only , kaopeh so much . ccb . hor , GJJ lah hor . por sec 3, di di por, di di por, buey sian ah. knn. bootlicker -.-
many went off, i went off with chongjing, at around 8.30. then kaijun they all came also. o: siuweng & keekuan i don't know they play till what time luh :] hehhh, but should be after chongjing & i left bah :] reached home around 8.45, i think.
went out with janice, fiona, bel, cheryl, dhurkesh, rafidah, nicholas & daniel. met at 1.30 at interchange, went to bugis to buy things, bought a red shorts, and bused to vivo. had lots of fun with them. hehhhh! :D went to vivo, ate and bought tickets for housebunny, 4.40 show, it was very funny, the girls were hot & sexy o: lol, shitass. and, the whole cinema, it was machiam ours liekthat, we laughed very loud, hehhhh! esp one girl in the show, like one snowwhite witch likethat, run don't know liek what! highly recommended! :D rated 8/10 :] hehhhh, went to skygarden to slack after that, took manymany pictures! cooliozxc luh! :] ilovemybuds♥
saw bernard they all, they went sentosa before that, thanks listener! :D for helping us take that group photo! :] highly appreciated yo! hehhh, luv(♥).
kfc after that, fiona & daniel went pastamania, and came back to find us afterwards. went to fiona's house to pass thing to her mother, with daniel & then we went to henderson waves! met joey, gary & dhurkesh at the bus stop. then we went up, slacked, slacked :] went off at around 10.20. walked to bus stop at crescent. daniel took his 195. chia accompanied me wait for my bus, thanks yo! :D then, reached home at around 10.45! had much fun for these few days! thanks for the fun and laughters! hehhhhh, luvvvv!
i shall reply the tags tomorrow yehhhh! w'manyloves!
imissbuds, mes, basketballmates, steadstead, happypillszb, limwenxin, xiaobaichi, asshole, and manymany people! :D
Look at the time now, it's 11.59 :D
1 more minute, before the time strike 12.
oh okay, it's 12 already (random).
uhhh, okay, shall just randomly post about what happened for the past few days.
i stayed at home the whole day, and studied chemistry. like well, so guai k. yeh, and non-stop stomachaches. fcuk it :]
Chemistry paper today, it was quite okay. not so bad. hope can pass. hehh, after that, went opposite and have our breakfast. and went to fionachia's house subsequently :]
we watched the mist, it was quite an interesting movie, rated 7/10. after that, we went back to school and slacked till around 5+, i went to play bball with jasmine! and liliang! around 6, went off and down to purmei, played bball. there was me, joey, singwai & edmund. went off around 8plus i think. forgotten.
Maths paper 2, as well as our last paper. went to bm mac to eat breakfast, then went home changed and get disc to fionac's house. watched one missed call 3. not bad, the faces are funny to me, idk why! LOL! hehhhh, :D rated 8/10. after that, paiseh, psed you all, went down purmei, played bball with many people, alot people came. boo. there were:
zan, joey, hweeying, gary, weekeat, andrew, john, nigel, kevin, jansen, junlin, hongjie, chongjing, siuweng, keekuan, rayner, aaron, dominic, singwai, jiajun, priscilla, cherie, marcel, yingyi, aye alot people lah, lol. i forgotten, boo.
didn't get to play fullcourt with zanteowj! shitass. and oh yeh, some people are just fucking xialan. sec 1 only , kaopeh so much . ccb . hor , GJJ lah hor . por sec 3, di di por, di di por, buey sian ah. knn. bootlicker -.-
many went off, i went off with chongjing, at around 8.30. then kaijun they all came also. o: siuweng & keekuan i don't know they play till what time luh :] hehhh, but should be after chongjing & i left bah :] reached home around 8.45, i think.
went out with janice, fiona, bel, cheryl, dhurkesh, rafidah, nicholas & daniel. met at 1.30 at interchange, went to bugis to buy things, bought a red shorts, and bused to vivo. had lots of fun with them. hehhhh! :D went to vivo, ate and bought tickets for housebunny, 4.40 show, it was very funny, the girls were hot & sexy o: lol, shitass. and, the whole cinema, it was machiam ours liekthat, we laughed very loud, hehhhh! esp one girl in the show, like one snowwhite witch likethat, run don't know liek what! highly recommended! :D rated 8/10 :] hehhhh, went to skygarden to slack after that, took manymany pictures! cooliozxc luh! :] ilovemybuds♥
saw bernard they all, they went sentosa before that, thanks listener! :D for helping us take that group photo! :] highly appreciated yo! hehhh, luv(♥).
kfc after that, fiona & daniel went pastamania, and came back to find us afterwards. went to fiona's house to pass thing to her mother, with daniel & then we went to henderson waves! met joey, gary & dhurkesh at the bus stop. then we went up, slacked, slacked :] went off at around 10.20. walked to bus stop at crescent. daniel took his 195. chia accompanied me wait for my bus, thanks yo! :D then, reached home at around 10.45! had much fun for these few days! thanks for the fun and laughters! hehhhhh, luvvvv!
i shall reply the tags tomorrow yehhhh! w'manyloves!
imissbuds, mes, basketballmates, steadstead, happypillszb, limwenxin, xiaobaichi, asshole, and manymany people! :D
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hello Lovely(s) :D
i'm sorry for the deadness in my blog, hohos.
i'm back already kehhh! heh, i shall elaborate for today, yesterday & thursday!
Thursday, it was our maths paper 1, set by Mrs Robin Low.
she set until, yes. VERY EASY, with sarcasism of course. o:
i lost like, so many marks. i don't know how to do the co-ordinate geometry & semi-circle question.
for henderson sec3 express students, you'll will know :] for others who don't know, don't be sad, here's a smile :D
after that, we had cme paper, it's like, 1 hour long, and most of us completed within 25 minutes.
i finished it within 10 minutes, like, they should make the duration shorter, because it's like, everyone's head is on the table, asleep.
after that, i went to meet joey, hweeying, kenneth, rafheal and some other sec2d boys? at tiong kfc.
ate, studied history, from 1 till 6plus. went home, that's all.
Friday{yesterday}, had history paper, i hope nothing went wrong, as i think i have already lost 12 marks D:
after paper yesterday, went opposite with bel, bought food back. while going back school, i saw some stupid pig! o:
shout until so loud his paper buang alr, LOL. like one retarded likethat X:
went for maths consultation, with agnes & christabel, from miss leng [:
after that, stayed in canteen, gossiped & also, waited for amaths student to finish.
stayed in school till around 5+ going 6[?] sorry garyyyyy! lol, for making you wait for me for 2 hours ? x:
went to mac to eat first, then proceeded to purmei, rushed there, am sorry guys.
those i told were meeting 4.3o one ! hahaha x:
esp gary, weekeat, junlin, joey & all :]
reached, quite alot people lah, got me, joey, gary, weekeat, junlin, siuweng, munwai, patrick, jiayang, laura, singwai, keekuan. i don't know alr,
sorry if i missed you out. hehhhh!
hmmmm, played full court, very fun, but i don't like. totally all ball, missed, fcuk like anything. -.- opps, stupid word. LOL. then, the 3n boys came, played with them also. they play until like very cute likethat lah, except the xiaochao, omg, play like bull likethat -.- stupiddddd.
went home at around 9. :]:]
today, went to mac to study, with many people :]
janice, fiona, cheryl, mandy, eddy, zhihui & nicholas.
joey, gary and singwai came too. went bugis at around 6.30 with cheryl, janice & fionachiayx :D walked around bugis street, cheryl bought her things.
went junction, walked around. and then went home, camwhored at bus-stop.
i don't know if i should post up here, because we took manymanymanymanymanymany photos! :D
reached home at around 9.30. & i shall stop here.
Meixuan: Yehhh loh, so long alr ): imissyou lah can! ):
Lijoo: thanks for taggingggg!
Ruiyi: hehhhh :] i know you do :D
Wenxin: yehh, cheerup okay! don't think too much alr, dont wei le these kind of things sad k. hehhh, i hope she's okay also. :]
MandyL: hahaha, ignorance is bliss uh retarded :]
Gina: Hahhaa! :D All my retarded peeeeektures! D:
Joey: Nevermind, it's okay :]
MandyS: Lol, hahaha, of course I do.
Amy: Lol, yeh loh! x: I'm likethis de, don't mind me, hehhh! I'm retarded de mah! Lalalalalala~ &smiles :]
Wenjun: Airennnn! Imissyou luh can! meetup soon!
Ahvann: Yuyu misses Rongrong too ):
Fcyx: hahaha, you and your eeyoreeeee/smurfffff :P nevermind lah, KANGWENNN/KANGWEI, does not matter :D know he's moooo can already!
Cherylgjx: Hahaha! Asshole :] ilytoo!
i'm sorry for the deadness in my blog, hohos.
i'm back already kehhh! heh, i shall elaborate for today, yesterday & thursday!
Thursday, it was our maths paper 1, set by Mrs Robin Low.
she set until, yes. VERY EASY, with sarcasism of course. o:
i lost like, so many marks. i don't know how to do the co-ordinate geometry & semi-circle question.
for henderson sec3 express students, you'll will know :] for others who don't know, don't be sad, here's a smile :D
after that, we had cme paper, it's like, 1 hour long, and most of us completed within 25 minutes.
i finished it within 10 minutes, like, they should make the duration shorter, because it's like, everyone's head is on the table, asleep.
after that, i went to meet joey, hweeying, kenneth, rafheal and some other sec2d boys? at tiong kfc.
ate, studied history, from 1 till 6plus. went home, that's all.
Friday{yesterday}, had history paper, i hope nothing went wrong, as i think i have already lost 12 marks D:
after paper yesterday, went opposite with bel, bought food back. while going back school, i saw some stupid pig! o:
shout until so loud his paper buang alr, LOL. like one retarded likethat X:
went for maths consultation, with agnes & christabel, from miss leng [:
after that, stayed in canteen, gossiped & also, waited for amaths student to finish.
stayed in school till around 5+ going 6[?] sorry garyyyyy! lol, for making you wait for me for 2 hours ? x:
went to mac to eat first, then proceeded to purmei, rushed there, am sorry guys.
those i told were meeting 4.3o one ! hahaha x:
esp gary, weekeat, junlin, joey & all :]
reached, quite alot people lah, got me, joey, gary, weekeat, junlin, siuweng, munwai, patrick, jiayang, laura, singwai, keekuan. i don't know alr,
sorry if i missed you out. hehhhh!
hmmmm, played full court, very fun, but i don't like. totally all ball, missed, fcuk like anything. -.- opps, stupid word. LOL. then, the 3n boys came, played with them also. they play until like very cute likethat lah, except the xiaochao, omg, play like bull likethat -.- stupiddddd.
went home at around 9. :]:]
today, went to mac to study, with many people :]
janice, fiona, cheryl, mandy, eddy, zhihui & nicholas.
joey, gary and singwai came too. went bugis at around 6.30 with cheryl, janice & fionachiayx :D walked around bugis street, cheryl bought her things.
went junction, walked around. and then went home, camwhored at bus-stop.
i don't know if i should post up here, because we took manymanymanymanymanymany photos! :D
reached home at around 9.30. & i shall stop here.
Meixuan: Yehhh loh, so long alr ): imissyou lah can! ):
Lijoo: thanks for taggingggg!
Ruiyi: hehhhh :] i know you do :D
Wenxin: yehh, cheerup okay! don't think too much alr, dont wei le these kind of things sad k. hehhh, i hope she's okay also. :]
MandyL: hahaha, ignorance is bliss uh retarded :]
Gina: Hahhaa! :D All my retarded peeeeektures! D:
Joey: Nevermind, it's okay :]
MandyS: Lol, hahaha, of course I do.
Amy: Lol, yeh loh! x: I'm likethis de, don't mind me, hehhh! I'm retarded de mah! Lalalalalala~ &smiles :]
Wenjun: Airennnn! Imissyou luh can! meetup soon!
Ahvann: Yuyu misses Rongrong too ):
Fcyx: hahaha, you and your eeyoreeeee/smurfffff :P nevermind lah, KANGWENNN/KANGWEI, does not matter :D know he's moooo can already!
Cherylgjx: Hahaha! Asshole :] ilytoo!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
This Post Is Meant for,
See this , it's for you!
Happy Children's Day! :D
I Want A Happy Snail Day Pretty Please :]
Studyhard, & Jiayous for Art Tomorrow :]
W'Loves, {♥}
See this , it's for you!
Happy Children's Day! :D
I Want A Happy Snail Day Pretty Please :]
Studyhard, & Jiayous for Art Tomorrow :]
W'Loves, {♥}
{♥}R, iloveyou.
Hello Childrens! :D
It's Children's Day Today, So Lets Make Everyone Remember Their Childhood, And Become Children Today! Yaye! :D
It have been 2 years, since it's a holiday for me, on 1st Oct :D
okay lah, Limjueyu stop being lame.
woke up late today, I slept like a pig, yes I did.
after that, around 3.30, took bus to bukitmerahinterchange,
met janice&cheryl at bm`mac, jianwen came shortly after(:
saw familiar faces again, this time, different people.
but, I saw LowKunkit :] Hehhhhh :D
Fiona came at around 5+, :]
Studied till around 7plus, we went off, Hehhhhhh {:
Cheryl & Janice went home, Jianwen left for TiongBaruhCC.
Fiona&Me took bus to Purmei, played Basketball.
Singwai was there, after that, Jansen, Darren, Junling came :]
Played 3on2, Junling&Darren 1 team.
Jansen, Singwai & Me another team, Then Munwai came,
Played 3on3, hahhhaaa, 1on1 with Junling.
8.45 went off, stupid moomoo, keep calling me chinagirl, you asshole :P
I'm home, I shall stop my craps, I shall start on my EMaths(?)
I shall study my History{!} :'D
It's Children's Day Today, So Lets Make Everyone Remember Their Childhood, And Become Children Today! Yaye! :D
It have been 2 years, since it's a holiday for me, on 1st Oct :D
okay lah, Limjueyu stop being lame.
woke up late today, I slept like a pig, yes I did.
after that, around 3.30, took bus to bukitmerahinterchange,
met janice&cheryl at bm`mac, jianwen came shortly after(:
saw familiar faces again, this time, different people.
but, I saw LowKunkit :] Hehhhhh :D
Fiona came at around 5+, :]
Studied till around 7plus, we went off, Hehhhhhh {:
Cheryl & Janice went home, Jianwen left for TiongBaruhCC.
Fiona&Me took bus to Purmei, played Basketball.
Singwai was there, after that, Jansen, Darren, Junling came :]
Played 3on2, Junling&Darren 1 team.
Jansen, Singwai & Me another team, Then Munwai came,
Played 3on3, hahhhaaa, 1on1 with Junling.
8.45 went off, stupid moomoo, keep calling me chinagirl, you asshole :P
I'm home, I shall stop my craps, I shall start on my EMaths(?)
I shall study my History{!} :'D
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